Peter Pan Bus Lines
Peter Pan Bus Lines
Bonanza Division
1 Bonanza Way
Providence, RI 02904
888-331-7500 (toll-free)

Go Green

The "Green" & Environmentally-Friendly Bus Company

When you travel by Peter Pan motorcoach…you go “Green!”

Peter Pan buses are the most energy-efficient mode of transportation…twice as fuel-efficient as Amtrak and other train services…three times as efficient as automobiles…and four times as efficient as commercial aviation.

All Peter Pan vehicles operate using Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) and/or biodiesel fuel making Peter Pan buses a huge part of America’s energy solution.

All Peter Pan vehicles are purchased with state-of-the-art emissions-lowering technology to reduce polluting particulate emissions by 90%.

Our maintenance facilities use low mercury, high-energy efficient fluorescent bulbs that are recycled upon replacement.

All Peter Pan coaches use a unique Global Positioning System ( GPS) which enables us to control/eliminate unnecessary idling. GPS allows us to monitor speed and braking patterns thereby saving 5% on tire wear and saving 8% in fuel economy.

Efficiency Facts

* Each Peter Pan motorcoach can replace 55 autos from the highway…saving fuel, cutting emissions, and reducing congestion.
* Peter Pan motorcoaches currently provide 184 passenger miles per gallon (MPG)…more than double the second most fuel-efficient transportation alternative.
* Peter Pan motorcoaches produce carbon emissions of only 56 grams per passenger, compared to 371 grams for a passenger car.
* Peter Pan motorcoaches use 946 BTUs per passenger mile compared to 3,890 for planes and 2,134 for trains.
* Peter Pan motorcoaches emit the least amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) per passenger than any other transportation vehicle. CO2 emissions are reduced by an average of 85% per passenger mile for every person who chooses to travel on a Peter Pan coach vs. driving alone.

©2009 Peter Pan Bus Lines, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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